My Mom Is Sick, Now What?

To change things up a bit, I thought I would ask one of my kids to share their thoughts and experience having a parent who lives with a chronic illness.  So, I took a chance and asked my daughter Chanel if she would be willing to answer a few questions and she said “Yes” immediately.

Below are Chanel’s unedited responses to my questions:

Q: What is your relationship to Windy?

A: I am Windy’s youngest daughter.  I’m 11 years old.

Q: When did you first realize that your mom was sick?

A: Well, I don’t know the exact date, but she’s pretty much been sick my whole life!

Q: How has Lyme Disease affected your life?

A: My life hasn’t changed drastically, but it has changed because she had to do infusions and later on I had to adapt to it and I started helping her. I was her “Nurse” and it was then my job to help her.  Her Lyme disease has also stopped her ability to do some things and we all need to accept that as a family. It wasn’t her fault she got bit by a tick and that’s ok. But let’s fast forward to current day, she got her picc line removed and now she is feeling a little better, but you still have to be careful with her.  She is a little sluggish here and there but she is still the same woman I love.

Q: What would you say to someone who has a sick parent at home?

A: Make sure to take care of your parent and when they need something make sure to be there for them just in case something bad is happening.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like others to know?

A: Don’t let anything stop you if you have a goal.  Go for it.  If you have a dream, go for it! Don’t let anything get in your way of doing what you want.

I hope this was helpful, to hear Chanel’s perspective of living with me!  She’s been such a great helper and a constant inspiration for me.  Here’s one of my favorite selfies taken after she helped me with an infusion. (Nurse Chanel)  Love her so much!

Windy and Coco after Infusion

Until next time!



9 thoughts on “My Mom Is Sick, Now What?

  1. Ruth Luke

    This is such a lovely interview. I’m sure that was so healing for both of you. What a beautiful bond you have together. So proud of you both and how you have allowed this difficult experience to help
    you both grow in different ways. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed the read xoxo

    1. Aww! Thank you so much Ruthie! I love you so much. Yes, it was great to do this with her, and I was proud at how she handled the questions. She has been such a big girl and a huge help during this journey! Thank you for your support! XO, Windy

  2. Carl

    “Nurse” Coco has been such a trooper throughout this season of our life. I’m so proud of her for being so supportive and understanding. Thank you for sharing.

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